To build a successful business you have to do good work at a fair price. And you have to do what you say you’re going to do, keep your word.

That’s the way my son, Mark, runs his company, Roofcrafters.
But to get a signed contract, Mark told me, it helps a lot if the customer plain old likes you. So you try to make a good impression, he said. You look customers in the eye. You speak courteously . And, if you get an opportunity, you two poodle them.
Two poodle? Yea, it’s a new expression — you heard it here first.
Mark went to a woman’s house to give her an estimate and she met him at the door carrying two poodles.

“I see you have two poodles,” Mark said to her.
That’s really all he had to say.
She told him all about her sweet poodles. He listened attentively. And then she hired him to re-roof her house.
Coming Friday: Cotton Mouth