
Hiding In a Privy [Video]

NOTE:  You can see me tell this story by clicking on the arrow. It was recorded by the Viking in July 2017 during a 100-mile section hike in Pennsylvania and posted on his U-tube channel called “Between the Blazes.” 

Or you can read it, below.

Or both.

I introduced myself as “Lucky” because that’s my trail name.

To see more Thru-Hiker stories [“Mind Game”] go here.

July 1, 2015, was Day 137 of my hike from Georgia to Maine and as the day wore on it became obvious that Maine had not received the memo, the memo saying summer had arrived.

It had rained the night before, hard at times, but by 5 a.m., when I got up to dress, eat, and go hiking, the rain had tapered off to a sprinkle, more like a mist.  I had no rain jacket –- I had lost it.  I had also mailed my winter clothes home, but maybe it wouldn’t matter.

The trail I hiked that morning went over three mountains, all of them above the tree line: Saddleback, The Horn, and Saddleback Junior. Before I got to the top of Saddleback it had begun to rain again, softly at first and then harder. And then it began to get colder.  The wind made it uncomfortably cold. 

The higher I climbed, the harder it rained, the faster the wind blew, and the colder I felt. By the time I reached a series of balds on top of the mountains it was raining sideways. And was that sleet I felt?  What had been a fairly warm, wet day had turned nasty. And, I repeat, this was July 1st.

The wind was killing me. I thought about leaving the trail and making a bee line for the trees below, anything to get out of the wind. But you can get lost that way — been there, done that. I decided to stay on the trail unless I started shaking all over, and keep on hiking as fast as I could, both to get off the ridge, get back down into the trees, and to generate heat.

When the trail finally went back down, into the trees, it didn’t help a lot. I was out of most of the wind, but I couldn’t go as fast, and generate the heat I needed, because I had to work my way down a long series of rock hops and ledges. I was not able to speed up until I reached the bottom of Saddleback Junior.

I need to find the shelter quickly and get out of my wet clothes. I was so cold. I knew I was close and around every bend in the trail I expected to see it. I didn’t stop until the trail turned back uphill.

No way I was going back to the ridge, back above the trees. 

I had just passed a privy next to the trail –they build privies next to the trail in Maine– so I turned around, went back, went inside, and made myself at home. Finally, I was out of the wind and rain.

I stripped off my wet shirts and put on dry ones as well as a dry, insulated jacket, and dry socks. I couldn’t change pants, I wasn’t carrying a second pair.

I ate lunch.

And then I got comfortable and went to sleep.

Almost two hours passed before a knock on the privy door woke me. The rain had stopped and the wind had died. A south-bound hiker, a woman, wanted to use the facility.

Of course, I said, and I quickly began packing up.   When I came out of the privy she asked me:

Why didn’t you go on to the shelter?”

Where is the shelter?”

About 100 yards up the trail,” she said.

Coming Friday: Paddling The Neuse, Part 1: River Angels

The Scar

Pop, Dave, and I were standing on the porch of the cabin at Snowbird, in the mountains of North Carolina close to the Tennessee border, when two fellows in their early 20’s came out of the woods into a clearing below the cabin. They were carrying rifles, they had pistols and knives strapped to their belts, and they had dogs. They were hunting.

Pop, L, Pat and Dave Stith, at Snowbird.
Pop, L, Pat and Dave Stith, at Snowbird.

They stopped, we greeted each other, and then my brothers and I walk down there to talk. Or rather, Pop talked. Dave and I mostly kept our mouths shut and listened.  Pop had a way about him that mountain men liked. I think they knew he was one of them, just from a different neck of the woods.

“How often do you boys hunt?” Pop asked.
And one of them said, “Every day during boar and bear season,” which runs about three months.

Pop was surprised because he could see one of them was wearing a wedding band and he said, “You’re married.”

“Not but nine months a year,” the man replied.

Black bear
Black bear

They got to talking about bears that get tired of running and turn on dogs tracking them, killing one sometimes.   That’s when one of the hunters pulled his shirt half way up so we could see his side and said, “That’s what a bear done to me.”

The scar across the side of his belly was awful, a terrible, jagged looking thing.

And then the other hunter spoke up.

“He’s lying to you,” the other man said.  “That won’t no bear, that was a chain saw.”

*  *  *

Like I said, Pop liked them, and they liked him.

We were up in Robbinsville one time, taking care of  some things before we went to the mountain, gassing up, buying food, getting a tire on an ATV fixed.  John Sullivan, a newspaperman who worked with me in Raleigh, said he’d take care of tire. He didn’t know any more about where to get it fix than I did, but he was in the game, ready to do his part.

I said, “Pop, why don’t you get the tire fixed and John, why don’t you go with him.”

And then I pulled John aside told him, words to this effect, “Don’t say anything. Just listen and learn.”

Pop and John went off somewhere and got the tire fixed. And when they got back I asked John, “Well?”

And he said, “If Pop had had another 15 minutes that guy would have fixed it for free.”

Coming Monday: Hiding In A Privy