Unforgettable Quotes

I was a newspaperman for 42 years and I heard a lot of memorable quotes.  These are three of my favorites.


Robert W. [Bob] Scott was governor of North Carolina [1969 to 1973] when I went to work at The News & Observer in Raleigh in 1971 as an investigative reporter.  It wasn’t long before our paths crossed.

Gov Robert W. Scott
Gov. Robert W. Scott

State law gave the governor control of a slush fund at the state highway department he could spend on roads anywhere in the state. I reported that Scott had spent a disproportionate share of that money paving secondary roads in Alamance County, where he grew up and where he owned a dairy  farm. Two of the roads he paved fronted property he owned.  On a per capita basis, Scott gave Alamance eight times as much money he gave the state’s other 99 counties.

In his public response Scott said he was proud of every road he had paved in Alamance: “…I have no apology to make whatsoever.”

Privately, I was told he said: “If you’re not going to help your friends, who are you going to help?”


When James E. [Jim] Holshouser was sworn in as governor  of North Carolina in January 1973 he was the first Republican to hold that office since 1897-1901.   The Republicans had been out of power so long they had no bench, no reservoir of talented administrators, so he had a harder time finding good ones to head up the various state agencies.

He appointed the owner of an appliance store secretary of the troubled state Department of Correction.   It wasn’t long before the new secretary called a press conference to assure the public that he intended to fix the problems he had inherited.

“I’m going to turn this department around 360 degrees,” he said.


A state legislator, furious about an article written by an N&O political reporter, called him on the phone and raised hell.

He finished his tirade with this classic:

“Not only that,” he said, “but you almost misquoted me!”

Coming Monday:  The Ghost

He Remembered Hundreds; I Forgot One

Welcome, Donna and Pat

My wife, Donna, and I went on our first cruise, to the Caribbean, on MS Maasdam, a Holland America ship rated to carry 1,258 passengers.

MS Maasdam
MS Maasdam

On the first night, when we went to the La Fontaine dining room to have supper, we were warmly greeted at the entrance by a member of the crew who told us his name and asked us our names.

The next night when we went to dinner – and every night for the rest of the week-long cruise — he greeted us and hundreds of other passengers, by name.

What was his name?

I don’t know. He told me his name but  it went in one ear and out the other.

*  *  *

Do Not Leave Your Luggage Unattended

When we went on a cruise to Alaska, leaving from and returning to Vancouver,   British Columbia, Canada, we encountered a problem.

The round trip plane tickets to Vancouver from Raleigh were expensive and, for about the same money, we could take the scenic route, literally. We could buy round-trip plane tickets to Seattle, spend the night there, take a train up the coast to Vancouver and spend the night there before boarding the ship. So that’s what we did.

On this nine-day holiday we took five suitcases, the heaviest of which weighed almost 50 pounds.


Truth be told, five suitcases was mostly my wife’s doing.  Donna knew some days would be hot and some days would be cold and she planned on dressing comfortably either way.

Herding five suitcases through a busy, big city airport you’ve never laid eyes on before is not all that easy.  So after we claimed our luggage we piled it up in the middle of an enormous concourse and Donna stood guard while I went looking for ground transportation. A few minutes later we were  in a cab headed for our hotel.  I did not discover my problem until we arrived, got out, and collected our  four suitcases.

No, wait!  Didn’t we have five suitcases?

Oh, yes, we did.  But not now, now we had four.  I had left one suitcase at the airport.  I asked the cab driver to wait while I carried the four bags inside and then I asked him to take me back to the airport — and step on it, please.

When I arrived I rushed back to the last place I remembered seeing the missing suitcase.  And there it was, right where I had left it an hour or so earlier, sitting unattended in the middle of that busy concourse.

Coming Friday: Unforgettable Quotes